pyitect package

Module contents

Pyitect is a pluginframe work

class pyitect.Version

Version class imported directly from semantic_version

see the python-semanticversion project for more information.

class pyitect.Spec

Spec class imported directly from semantic_version

see the python-semanticversion project for more information.

class pyitect.System(config, enable_yaml=False)[source]

A plugin system

It can scan dir trees to find plugins and their provided/needed components, and with a simple load call chain load all the plugins needed.

The system includes a simple event system and fires some events internal, here are their signatures:

‘plugin_found’: (path, plugin)

path (str): the full path to the folder containing the plugin

plugin (str): plugin version string (ie ‘plugin_name:version’)

‘plugin_loaded’: (plugin, plugin_required, component_needed)

plugin (str): plugin version string (ie ‘plugin_name:version’)

plugin_required (str): version string of the plugin that required the
loaded plugin (version string ie ‘plugin_name:version’)
component_needed (str): the name of the component needed by the
requesting plugin
‘component_loaded’: (component, plugin_required, plugin_loaded)

component (str): the name of the component loaded

plugin_required (str, None): version string of the plugin that
required the loaded component (version string ie ‘plugin_name:version’) (might be None)
plugin_loaded (str): version string of the plugin that the component
was loaded from (version string ie ‘plugin_name:version’)

Pyitect keeps track of all the instances of the System class in which is a map of object id’s to instances of System.



A mapping of component names to version requirements



A mapping of the plugins the system knows about. Maps names to dicts of Version s mapped to Plugin config objects



A mapping of Component.key() s to loaded component objects



A mapping of components the system knows about. Maps names to dicts of Version s mapped to Component config objects



A mapping of Plugin.key() s to loaded plugin module objects



A list of Plugin.key() s of enabled plugins



A List of Component.key() s loaded by the system



A mapping of event names to lists of callable objects


Adds a plugin form the provided path

Parameters:path (str) – path to a plugin folder
PyitectError: If no plugin exists at path PyitectDupError: if you try to add the same plugin twice
bind_event(event, function)[source]

Bind a callable object to the event name

a simple event system bound to the plugin system, bind a function on an event and when the event is fired all bound functions are called with the *args and **kwargs passed to the fire call

  • event (str) – name of event to bind to
  • function (callable) – Boject to be called when event fires

Take one or more Plugin s and map it’s components

Takes a plugins metadata and remembers it’s provided components so the system is awear of them


plugins (plugins) – One or more plugins to enable. Each argument can it self be a list or map of Plugin objects or a plain Plugin object

  • TypeError – If you try to pass a non Plugin object
  • PyitectDubError – If you try to enable a plugin that provides duplicate conponent
  • PyitectOnEnableError – If There was an error in the on_enable
  • PyitectLoadError – If there was an error loading a plugin to call it’s on_enable
fire_event(event, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call all functions bound to the event name

and pass all extra *args and **kwargs to the bound functions

Parameters:event (str) – name of event to fire
get_plugin_module(plugin, version=None)[source]

Fetch the loaded plugin module

if version is None searches for the highest version number plugin with it’s module loaded if it can’t find anything it raises a runtime error


plugin (str) – name of plugin to find version (None, str, Version): if provided load a spesfic version


loaded module object

  • TypeError – if provideing a version that is not either a str or a Version
  • PyitectError – if the Plugin can’t be found
  • PyitectLoadError – plugin module is not loaded yet

Test a path to see if it is a Plugin

Parameters:path (str) – path to test

Returns: true if there is a plugin in the folder pointed to by path

iter_component_providers(comp, subs=False, vers=False, reqs='*')[source]

An iterater function to interate providers of a component

Takes a conponent name and yeilds providers of the conponent

if subs is True yeilds providers of subtypes too

if vers is True yeilds all version of the provider not just the highest

reqs is a version requirement for the providers to meet. Defaults to any version

yeilds tuples that look like: (<component_name>, <plugin_name>, <version>)


>>> for t in iter_component_providers("foo", subs=True): print(t);
("foo", "foo_plugin", "0.1.0")
("foo", "foo_plugin2", "1.0.0")
("foo.a", "foo.a_plugin", "0.1.0")
("foo.a.b", "footastic", "10.0.0")
  • comp (str) – component name to use as a base
  • subs (bool) – should subtypes be yeilded too?
  • vers (bool) – should all version be yeilded not just the highest?
  • reqs (str, list, tuple) – version spec string or list there of all items are passed to a Spec

TypeError – if comp or reqs are passed wrong


An iterater function to interate all known subtypes of a component

Takes a conponent name and yeilds all known conponent names that are subtypes not including the conponent name

Parameters:conponent (str) – the conponent name to act as a base
Raises:TypeError – if component is niether a Component instance nor a string
load(component, requires=None, request=None, bypass=False, subs=True, key=None, reverse=False)[source]

Load and return a component object

processes loading and returns the component by name, chain loading any required plugins to obtain dependencies. Uses the config that was provided on system creation to load correct versions, if there is a conflict throws a run time error. bypass lets the call bypass the system configuration

internaly uses iter_component_providers() to create list of viable components. basialy calls sorted(iter_component_providers(component subs=subs), key=key)[0] to get the component to use.

  • component (str) – Name of component to load
  • requires (dict, None) – A mapping of component names to version requierments to use during the load
  • request (str, None) – The name of the requesting plugin. None if not requested
  • bypass (bool) – Ignore the system configured version requierments
  • subs (bool) – should sub components be considered?
  • key (func, None) – Key function to use to compaire component provider tuples from iter_component_providers() in a sorted call.write the key func so that the item you want will be at index 0
  • reverse (bool) – reverse sorting of components

the loaded component object

  • TypeError – if thigns get passed worng
  • PyitectLoadError – if there is an exception druing load
load_component(component, plugin, version, requires=None, request=None)[source]

Loads a component

same end effect as load() but requires an explicit name, plugin, and version. no subtypes of the component are explored no other provider is considered

  • component (str) – component name to load
  • plugin (str) – plugin name to load form
  • version (str, Version) – Version to load
load_plugin(plugin, version, requires=None, request=None, comp=None)[source]

Takes a plugin name and version and loads it’s module

finds the stored Plugin object takes a Plugin object and loads the module recursively loading declared dependencies

  • plugin (str) – plugin name
  • version (str, Version) – version to load
  • requires (dict, None) – a mapping of component names to version requierments to use during the load
  • request (str, None) – name of the version string of the plugin that requested a component from this plugin. None if not requested.
  • comp (str) – name of the component needed by teh requesting plugin. None if not requested.

the loaded module object

  • TypeError – if things get passed worng
  • PyitectLoadError – if there is an exception during the load
resolve_highest_match(component, plugin, spec)[source]

resolves the latest version of a component with requirements,

takes in a component name and some requierments and gets a valid plugin name and its highest version

  • component (str) – a component name
  • plugin (str) – a plugin name if it’s empty we default to alphabetical order
  • spec (Spec) – a SemVer version spec

TypeError – if somthing isn’t the right type

resolve_providers(component, subs=True, key=None, reverse=False)[source]

Resolve what avalible component is used

will create a lost of a component and it’s subcomponents to sorted with sorted(component key=key) and return the first item

the default, and possibly undesierable behavior, is alphabetical order of component names

Parameters:key (func, None) – a key function to sort the componet types and subtypes that are valid so you can select the correct one

Search a path (dir or file) for a plugin in the case of a file it searches the containing dir.

Parameters:path (str) – the path to search
systems = []

A list of all System instances

unbind_event(event, function)[source]

Remove a function from an event

removes the function object from the list of callables to call when event fires. does nothing if function is not bound

  • event (str) – name of event bound to
  • function (callable) – object to unbind
class pyitect.Plugin(config, path)[source]

An object that can hold the metadata for a plugin

like its name, author, verison, and the file to be loaded ect. also stores the path to the plugin folder and provideds functionality to load the plugin module and run its on_enable function



plugin name



plugin author



plugin vesion



relative path to the file to import to load the plugin



a listing of the components consumed



a listing of the components provided


None, str

either None or a str doted name of a function in the module



an absolute path to the plugin folder module (None, object): either None or the modlue object if the plugin has been loaded already


returns a version string


returns True if it has an on_enable attribute that’s not None


return a key that can be used to identify the plugin

Returns:(name, author, version, path)
Return type:tuple

loads the plugin file and returns the resulting module


runs the function in the ‘on_enable’ if set

  • TypeError – if the on_enable property is set wrong
  • PyitectOnEnableError – if there is an exception
  • acessing or calling the on_enable function
  • PyitectLoadError – If the module object is not loaded yet
class pyitect.Component(name, plugin, author, version, path)[source]

An object to hold metadata for a spesfic instance of a component

Holds the metadata needed to identify a instance of a component provided by a plugin



the component name provided



the name of the providing plugin



the author of the providing plugin



the verison of the providing plugin



a doted name path to the component object from the top of the plugin module


returns a key to identify this component

Returns:(name, plugin, author, version, path)
Return type:tuple

Fetch the global system instance

Raises:PyitectError – If the system isn’t built yet
pyitect.build_system(config, enable_yaml=False)[source]

Build a global system instance

  • config (dict) – A mapping of component names to version requirements
  • enable_yaml (bool) – Should the system support yaml config files?

PyitectError – if the system is already built


destroy the global system instance

does nothing if the system isn’t built

pyitect.issubcomponent(comp1, comp2)[source]

Check if comp1 is a subtype of comp2

Returns whether the Component passed as comp1 validates as a subtype of the Component passed as comp2.

if strings are passed as either peramater they are treated as Component names. if a Component instance is passed it’s name property is pulled.

  • comp1 (str, Component) – The Component or component name to check
  • comp2 (str, Component) – The Component or component name to compair to

Generate a fixed lenght unique name from parts

takes the parts turns them into strings and uses them in a sha1 hash

used internaly to ensure module object for plugins have unique names like so

get_unique_name(, plugin.get_version_string())

Returns:name hash
Return type:str

Generates an Version object

takes a SemVer string and returns a Version if not a proper SemVer string it coerces it

Parameters:version_str (str) – version string to use

Take a requierment and return the Spec and the plugin name

takes a requierment and pumps out a plugin name and a SemVer Spec requires is either a string of the form (“”, “*”, “plugin_name”, plugin_name:version_spec)

or a mapping with plugin and spec keys like so {“plugin”: “plugin_name”, “spec”: “>=1.0.0”} the spec key’s value can be a string of comma seperated version requierments or a list of strings of the same

Parameters:requires (str, mapping) – string or mapping object with plugin and spec keys


>>> expand_version_req("")
('', <Spec: (<SpecItem: * ''>,)>)
>>> expand_version_req("*")
('', <Spec: (<SpecItem: * ''>,)>)
>>> expand_version_req("plugin_name")
('plugin_name', <Spec: (<SpecItem: * ''>,)>)
>>> expand_version_req("plugin_name:>=1.0.0")
('plugin_name', <Spec: (<SpecItem: >= Version('1.0.0')>,)>)
>>> expand_version_req("plugin_name:>=1.0.0,<2.0.0")
('plugin_name', <Spec: (SpecItems... >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0 )>)
>>> expand_version_req({"plugin": "plugin_name", "spec": ">=1.0.0"})
('plugin_name', <Spec: (<SpecItem: >= Version('1.0.0')>,)>)
  • ValueError – when the requierment is of a bad form
  • TypeError – when the requiers objt is not a string or mapping
exception pyitect.PyitectError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wraps Exceptions for Chained trace backs

As Pyitect is intended for use across pyhton 2 and 3 a way was needed to Ensure that exceptions caused during the import of plugin modules tell why that import failed insed of just failed to import ‘bla’

This code is a modifed version of a CausedException class posed to ActiveState back in Sep. 2012 Licensed under MIT license

the ability handle trees of exceptions was removed

exception pyitect.PyitectNotProvidedError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Raised if a conponent is not provided

exception pyitect.PyitectNotMetError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Raised if requierments are not met

exception pyitect.PyitectLoadError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Raises if a plugins module is not yet loaded or fais to load

exception pyitect.PyitectOnEnableError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Raised if and on_enable call failes

exception pyitect.PyitectDupError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Raised if you try to add a duplicate plugin or duplicate component provider